Friday, September 12, 2008

And the winner is.....

OK, so my big plan to have my son dramatically pull a name out of a bucket failed miserably. Not only did everyone wake up late, but my oldest son called on his way to school that he had a flat tire. Of course, to make it worse, yesterday he lost his cell phone so he had to borrow some random person's phone to call me. This was probably the one and only time he ever needed his phone for an emergency. Soooo.... my husband had to go get him to take him to school, and now his car is sitting in front of someone's house.

Oh wait, the fun doesn't stop there! My youngest son realized on his way to the bus that his cross country coach gave him a girls cross country shirt. So he was spazzing out about that because he has a track meet after school.

All this and it's only 7am! So, instead, I told Luke, "Pick a number between 1 and 20!" He said "11". And number 11 is.............

HEYYOU8722!!!!!! who is a very good customer of mine! Congrats Heyyou!!! Shoot me an email at soapgirl (at) with your address so I can get your Frosted Snowflake out to you. You'll love it because it's very similar to your beloved Sugar Blossom which has been discontinued. :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My contest has ended! Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to enter. I have 20 names, and my son Luke will decide who the winner is before he goes off to school tomorrow morning. GOOD LUCK!

Come back tomorrow at 8am EST to see if you are the lucky new owner of my Frosted Snowflake Soap!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's almost time for a winner!

I can't stand the suspense! It's only 2 more days left to enter in my "win a free soap contest"! I have so many entries already... new customers, my regulars, and some brand new faces! Friday morning right before school, my son Lucas will pull a name out of a bucket, and that lucky girl will have a full sized Frosted Snowflake soap and a sample sent to them Monday morning. Friday can't come fast enough!

Seriously, contests can be addictive.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why I Love Readingbunky

It's a MIRACLE! I found a seller's SNS
A secret in someone's shop is part of the Saturday Night Special on Etsy. You have to search through shops to find it, and it's not easy! If you are lucky enough to find it, you're rewarded with a completely free item, or sometimes you just have to pay the shipping.

I stink at this. I get frustrated, my eyes glaze over, and I just never find anything. Until last weekend! I was lucky enough to find Readingbunky's adorable Hemp Bracelet! I love it! Not only is it perfect, it came packaged so sweetly! I don't know if the cuteness of it made me think it smelled of vanilla, or if it really did, but I sear, it even smells sweet!

So, I love Readingbunky because I felt like it was my birthday today.

BOO!!! Creepy Halloween Soaps!

Good grief these are awful! I generally don't make Melt and Pour soaps, but you just can't do cool things like this with cold process soaps! I don't know why I couldn't get the pictures right, but oh well.... some pictures don't turn out so well. They look much better in person. No less creepy though!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Enter to win a FREE SOAP!

Have always wanted to try a South Pacific Body olive oil soap? If so, now is your chance to try one for FREE! There are two ways to enter. Post on my blog between now and Thursday, September 11th or make any purchase from my website or my Etsy Shop and you could win a FREE bar of Frosted Snowflake Olive Oil soap!

If you don't win this time, don't worry! I'll be having another contest in mid-October.

My youngest son Lucas will be pulling the names out of a bucket, and a photo of your Etsy or Blog name will be posted here on Friday, Sept 12th. So make sure you return on that day to see if you are the winner!!

Thank you and good luck!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The All New EGCG

The EGCG (Etsy Green and Clean Guild) recently went through some big changes. We have a shiny new blog, a new Etsy information area, a new leader, and a new forum! The changes being made are mostly internal, but they have a fresh new feeling and it's been very exciting. We're especially revved up about our new Iron Chef Challenge and EGCG Sample boxes!

Membership is currently closed, but will be opening up again very shortly. If you make fantastic body products, and are interested in applying, you can do so here and click the "contact EGCG" link.

Check for updates about all promotions and contests on our blog!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....

School is back in session!!! Wooo hooo!!! Am I a bad mother because I'm excited? Maybe so. I'm excited to get the house back. No more video game controllers all over the floor, no more cups of juice on the coffee tables, no more "What are we going to do today....." I'm so over it.

However, I feel DEVISTATED that my oldest is going to be a senior in HS and my youngest is going to be in 6th grade. Since my oldest has been driving since March, he kinda does his own thing now. For instance, we've had dinner and he was a no-show. This isn't something I'm accustom to. We've always been an "eat together" family. Always. I see the time coming soon that my youngest does the same thing, and I don't want that. The thought of it makes me nearly break down and cry. My little baby boys are growing up and I can't control it.

However, I'm thanking Jesus for the start of school tomorrow. Go figure.

Monday, September 1, 2008

How to give handmade and money as a gift!

So, about 1/2 my nephews and nieces are now tweens and teens. In other words, they are money hungry and definitely look forward to a wad of cash from their most favorite aunt. ME!! Haha! This was the first year I gave my niece Kayla money instead of a gift. I was a little bummed about it, since I have mountains of nephews, and barely a handful of nieces. I've always liked buying girly items. But, she's been saving for a laptop and I wanted to help her. So this year, a wonderful seamstress, JPat purses, a shop I've been eyeballing for a while, had a sale. I jumped at the chance to buy two of her cute little purses. This one was stuffed with money for my niece, and I kept this one all to myself. Perfect for my cell phone!! Kayla loved her gift. That's how to give money AND handmade to broke, money hungry teens.

Fall is almost here!!

Except I'm not exactly excited. Boohoo.... I'm a warm weather kind of girl. I hate the cold, snow, naked trees, brown grass... nothing about winter is good except Christmas. Oh, and fall scents. That is the one thing I looooove about fall! Pumpkin, chocolate, cranberry.... it makes the cooler weather bearable. So, if nothing else, I'm loving making my fall products!