Monday, February 25, 2008


I do not like ordering supplies. I'm not talking about the fun stuff like fragrances. I'm talking about the boring stuff like paper and labels. Blah.... ! I'm totally dozing off while putting labels in my shopping cart.

However... I did have quite the glow while I was ordering new ribbons and gift boxes! I must give a shout out to Nashville Wraps! What a gorgeous selection of everything! I really could have spent a fortune in there, but I was good. Except for the giant roll of white shiny paper I don't need. I figure it's useful for everything, and a different color bow will make it special. This is the best part about white paper!

1 comment:

Elle said...

I love plain white paper! You can wrap anyone's gift in white paper and it won't be inappropriate. Like wrapping your best friend's gift in Transformer's paper because you forgot to buy pretty, grown up paper.